Don’t have time to work the restaurant niche? This may help… – Consultant Credibility Systems >

Don’t have time to work the restaurant niche? This may help…


One of the things that scares a lot of consultants about focusing on a niche like restaurants is that they don’t want to take time away from what they’re currently doing.

I completely understand and agree.

If you have to take time away from your money-making activities in order to explore another niche, then it probably doesn’t make sense.

But, what if it only took you a extra hour or two a day for about a week to get a extra lead funnel setup?

What if you didn’t have to sacrifice any of your current money-making activities to get another lead source setup and funneling clients to you?

Would it be worth it?

I believe so.

See, I’m in the same situation as you and here’s what I do:

I set aside a hour or two a day for about a week or so to build complete niche specific funnels for any and every niche that I want to attack.

However, while I’m building a complete funnel, I also go into niche immersion mode for about a week or two
for that niche.

That means that I invest in the top four or five books from Amazon or directly fro the websites of other established consultants in that niche.

Plus, I purchase at least one or two really good marketing courses or business building courses from established experts.

Then I write notes, jot down thoughts and flesh out ideas as I’m reading/watching/studying so that I’m really comfortable applying the niche language and concepts to my own marketing philosophy.

The End Result…

At the end of a week or two, I’ve got a complete funnel, good strategies and a great grasp of the ins and outs of the niche.

Now, I’m ready to rock and roll with driving some eyeballs to my funnel using all the usual methods. (aka. FB, email etc.)

Seems like a lot of work just to test a niche doesn’t it?

But remember, I only spend a few hours a day for about a week or two and that’s it. Plus, I don’t use my money-making hours to set up funnels.

It’s my after hours project.

That keeps the wife and kids happy and it’s allowed me to scratch my shiny new object syndrome itch in a constructive way.

The Huge Payoff…

But ultimately, it’s about understanding the target market I’m venturing into and being able to give the subtle clues and hints that communicate that you’re someone who can help them.

Chris Rivers, MBA

Chris Rivers is the founder of Instant Consultant Credibility and specializes in helping consultants quickly enter lucrative consulting niches and establish expert positioning, become a marketing authority and build funnels that attract, convert and upsell high ticket clients.

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