The Easy D.I.Y. Daily Action Plan That ANY Consultant Can Use To Get High Ticket Clients – Consultant Credibility Systems >

The Easy D.I.Y. Daily Action Plan That ANY Consultant Can Use To Get High Ticket Clients


Small hinges swing big doors.

That’s what comes to mind when I get a email from a consultant who just seems stuck in a rut.

Sometimes consultants just needs to tweak things a bit but most times consultants struggle because they don’t actually have a working daily plan that gets them to where they “say” they’re trying to go.

That’s why many of my “free” advice emails begin with “…so tell me what a normal day looks like for you.”

Their response to that question lets me know right off the bat if they’re organized, disciplined or treat every day like an adventure in wonderland.

See, without a daily planner, and no I’m not necessarily talking about a big black book of empty dates, you are already behind the eight ball.

And no a daily planner is not necessary to build a million dollar consulting firm, but a daily plan is absolutely necessary to get to that level.

Plus it’s just soooooo improbable that you’ll be able to reach the upper level of success without breaking it down and mapping it out on a daily/weekly/monthly etc. level.

Not impossible.

Just highly unlikely.

Plus, if you have a day job, then you already know the price of admittance to the success club…right?

(Of course, I’m not talking about quitting your day job before you have a really, really, really good plan for supporting yourself and your family during the transition.)

No, I’m talking about setting that alarm clock to a earlier time to get things done before you clock in at the day job.

HOWEVER, getting up before the sun to get stuff done only makes sense if you map out your tasks ahead of time and can just fall out of bed and roll right into your planned tasks.

It’s never a good idea to be up at 5 am in the morning, wiping sleep out of your eyes and trying to figure out what to do.

That often ends with “…go back to bed and “think” about it.”

So, here’s how I recommend you map out (and implement) your plan for world domination on a weekly basis:

Sit down on a Saturday or Sunday of the previous week and write down your top three to six daily actions for the next 5-7 day period that will get you to your weekly goal.

That’s it.

Nothing too hard, but it gives you tremendous focus for the next five to seven days.

And that’s what you’re looking for.

At the end of the day, there’s just too much stuff to do to leave it up all to chance.

By the way, you don’t have a chance at dominating the restaurant, hvac, cpa or any other niche if you can’t even dominate your day planner.

Start right there first.


Chris Rivers, MBA

Chris Rivers is the founder of Instant Consultant Credibility and specializes in helping consultants quickly enter lucrative consulting niches and establish expert positioning, become a marketing authority and build funnels that attract, convert and upsell high ticket clients.

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How To Get Clients From Local Chambers of Commerce!

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